Sunday, September 30, 2007

In las Vegas this week a little girl who had been sexually abused on camera by a convicted sex offender was found safe with her mother. The little girl was abused on camera and las vegas police had to make a decision of whether or not to release the tape in order to help find the person guilty of the crimes against her. Some people belierve police revictimized the victim by releasing the tape, Lead investigator Tony Demeo said that they had never seen a case like this before and that they only wanted to find the victim to make sure she was safe.

She was identified after news media aired pictures of the girl taken from the video tape. She was found safe and sound and the suspect was also identified. Some people will say that the officers should not have released this tape with such graphic abuse of a child on it. I feel like they did the right thing because they found the girl and they were also able to get a suspect. The safty of the child right now should out wiegh anything else.

Las vegas was originally built by mormons as a fort halfway between Salt Lake City and LA. In the late 1800's it became a mining town. Hoover dam was built in 1931 this brought many lots of people to the city and in the same year gambling was legalized. There is a parrallel in the growth of Las Vegas as Tourism and entertainment became the mainstay many government facilities were buitl in and around the area. In 1960 Las Vegas had 65,000 people in a 25 squrae mile radius. The main source of income for the city was and still is tourism and entertainment. Hotel and casino, strip malls, and food and beverage consumption, including alcohol which im sure contributes to the crime rate. Las Vegas is the largest metropolitan city in the US that was founded in the 20th century.


Miss Kay Jones said...

I agrere taht the police did the right thing in trying to find the sexually abused girl. THa't i something traumatic and the proper measures need to be taked in order to insure her safety in all sorts of ways. and as far as the high crime rates and all the sin city vices goes, I'm pretty sure there IS a parallel between the two. It's no secret that wherever a casino is, crime rates always increase in the surrounding areas. That's why here in Cuces processes to build casinos are always turned down repeatedly.

Cathy said...

Interesting history. I did not realize that the Mormons founded Las Vegas. It seems like Las Vegas will aways be a tourist and attraction town. You mentioned that you think alcohol contributes to the crime rate. I heard that people can walk the streets drinking alcohol. I think that minors could easily drink in that town. I wonder how tough the cops are on under age drinking.

jereme said...

i dont know if it is legal to walk the streets and drink but we did and no one told us anything, and i was hardly carded at all.

abel harding said...

Thats a tough situation with the kid, though i do believe that finding the guy (and violently castrating him) is the most important thing. Think about this for a second- if the tape were to be released on the internet by an individual, that individual would face severe legal ramifications, but if it is viewed and released by the police, it is simply evidence. In this case it seems that the latter was the wisest decision, provided the police force is not infested with criminals (i say this in response to a number of cases of sexual assault commited by police officers in santa fe, alb., and las cruces- i don't trust them, i'm set in my ways and will never change.)