Sunday, September 9, 2007 are some of the current news events in las vegas: A group of young men calling themselves the "311 Gang" have been responsible for numerous acts of violence in the city. Aggravated assaults, and attempted murder are among the crimes commited by this group who is using 311 as a reference to the Klu Klux Klan. In a trend that seems to be growing in criminal cultures they have been videotaping thier activities and assaults which has helped police arrest and convict numerous members of this group over the last year. I have included one of the clips there are more if you go to the link I have provided.

A standoff between residents and the government building the Yucca Mountain depository where nuclear waste will be stored underground came to a hault as drilling once again took place using more then 191,000 gallons of water for a project most people are strongly opposing.

There are many myths surrounding Las Vegas. It is after all Sin City, many think the mafia still controls most of it but through government intervention the control was shifted to the private sector many years ago, also many believe it is a city of wealth, this is not true. It is like the rest of the country the top ten percent have all the money, the rest of the people are working class or worse just trying to make it.

1 comment:

erranda said...

It is really disurbing to see how the criminal minds of today take full advantage of modern technology to broadcast not only their views, but how brutal they will be to those in oppostion. Do you think this trend will ever take a step back, or will it just to continue to flood our t.v. as we continue to desire only to be entertained?