Sunday, September 23, 2007

In Desert Springs hospital in Las Vegas Nevada there is a man in a coma. His name, or place of birth is unknown, and he is being sued. The hospital is sueing him and the attorney generals office because they believe he was in the federal witness protection program and has racked up at least 75000 in hospital bills over the last 2 years. Hospital officials either want him taken out of thier care or for his bills to be paid. A hospital in Uruguay has agreed to take him in only if the US verifies his identity which they havent done so far because he was supposedly in the witness protection program. What a story, it speaks 1. about the state of our health care system in the US, we have the best health care professionals in the world and millions of people who cannot acces the services because our healthcare system is a ridiculous maze of insurance agancies and buaracratic red tape. 2. he could be treated but the FBI refuses to give up his identity, which I understand on the one hand but on the other they should then pay his bills. 3. people in the United States will sue anyone at anytime for anything, we are a lawsuit happy society and some of the money wasted in many frivelous lawsuits could be better used in the field of helthcare.

For my topic I will start with the crime rate and types of crimes that go on in Las Vegas. Las Vegas is ranked as the 88th best place to live in the US by forbes magazine it is also ranked 1st in net migration and 3rd in job growth among cities with at least 100,000 residents. According to the census for the year 2000 Las Vegas reported 63,000+ arrests, the statistics also indicate that sometimes offenses are not reported so the number may by higher. Larceny is the most populous crime at 30000 incidents, burglary is second at 13000 motor vehicle thefts at 11500 robbery 4000 aggravated assaut at 3500 rape at 597 and murder at 109. Studies are currently being done to try and link cities with gambling venues to increased crime rates.

1 comment:

Miss Jeri said...

Wow. Isn't that something? The man has been unconcious for 2 years and he's being sued. Imagine waking up to that mess...You would think that because they are a hospital, they have some sort of duty to care for an individual that is sick, which obviously this man is. This must be a for-profit hospital, but you would also think that they would have transferred him to a not-for-profit hospital once he was stabilized if that was the case. I think the FBI should just go ahead and pay the tab since they are not willing to give up the man's identity. Especially since the story has reached the press. They really can't give up his name now!