Sunday, October 14, 2007

A las vegas firefighter named Sam Bond was arrested for breaking into the firestation and stealing drugs. Apparantly while the on duty crew was out on a call Bond broke into the station from an upstairs window. He stole and then overdosed on an undisclosed controlled substance and was admitted into the hospital the following morning for the overdose. He was then booked into the clark county detention center until he was later released on house arrest. This was the second time he was arrested for breaking in and stealing drugs. Guess no one is above the law.

In other news regents at the university of nevade narrowly rejected adopting policy that would allow faculty and staff to carry guns on campus. Concerns over campus safety are driving people to look for a quick fix, but I'm not sure if i would want anyone carrying a gun on campus, I mean what if a situation occured that saw a student take a gun from a teacher and then shoot someone with it, can you imagine the public outcry that would happen in that case. Also I think teachers should concentrate on teaching and if conditions are that dangerous law enforcement should be increased on campus.


abel harding said...

You'd think they would have cut him loose after the first time they caught him face down in a pile of blow! I'm assuming it was most likely cocaine, seeing as how it's hard for junkies to sober up long enough to pass a police academy physical. The same thing happened in Santa Fe, actually. An officer was caught trafficking cocaine and sexually assaulting women. They also found cocaine in his system (so he was documentedly using, and not just selling). After an in-depth investigation, they discharged him from the force. As far as i know, he faced no criminal charges. Yeah, they're a little above the law, even if they are under the influence!

Anonymous said...

It seems like a hot topic lately with teachers wanting to bring guns to school. Especially lately because of the virginia tech and the recent shooting in Ohio. I don't think that is a viable solution because what are more guns going to do? I think just cause more problems even though it would make these teachers feel safer it might just cause more lives to be lost.

erranda said...

I think one of our nation's biggest problems is that we don't tend to do well with preventative action, we rely on our ability to react well to any given situation. Instead of recognizing the cries for help, we wait for a kid to take their dad's gun and blow away every peer they blames for their pain. It would freak me out to no end to think that my professors were strapped, ready and waiting for me to do anything that would urk them the wrong way and get my head blown off. Or, like Jereme commented on, if a student were to take the gun from a teacher and shoot somebody, not only would the media have a field day, but schools around the nation would be bombarded with angry letters from various people. There is a level of control that is overwhelming in this country, and adding a gun to the educational atmosphere can't bring anything positive to the equation.

Jupiter said...

Yes, do you think it would really solve the problem if more people brought guns to school? Hey, what a great example. A teacher bringing a firearm. Right. That piece about the firefighter on drugs was quite interesting; my father was a firefighter with LCFD for a time. Wonder if this is happening right under our noses.