Sunday, September 16, 2007

The economic influences in this city are capatalism at its best, people with lots of money invest in business ventures in this city and eventually make tons of more money. The majority of the profits turned by these disgustingly rich people are made off of the working class people who sink thier money into casinos hoping to hit one big one so that they can then be rich and can exploite other people instead of being exploited themselves. Although most of them dont realize they are indeed being used, they come and go and donate to no particular cause quite willingly.


Anonymous said...

Are the wealthy that are buying into these casinos all legitimate businessman or do the casinos still house alot of the mafia and other groups trying to legitimize their businesses? I just wonder after watching Casino again the other day.

Julie Steinkopf Rice said...

Great question, Tracey! I wonder that myself...