Sunday, November 18, 2007

Not much new in Las Vegas this week the OJ Simpson case was finally beaten out of the top story by the presidential debate that was held in Las Vegas this week. The Nevada caucus hosted the debate which featured all the main democratic presidential candidates.
As far as OJ goes his trial remains in the headlines with accusations of corruption and the that the trial may be a sort of make up trial for the murder many believe he got away with years ago.

The social movements going on in Las Vegas are based on capatalism and business as usual. Business expansion, and profit maximizing are what drives this city . Government plays a smaller role in Las Vegas than most other cities because private industry controls so much of the economy. There is however a green movement that some prominent businessmen are supporting which includes companies usuing vegetable oil powered cars and much more solar power then previously used in the past. It is an attempt to offset the energy being used to power the city, and surprinsingly it was started by a private company not through government regulation.


Miss Kay Jones said...

Maybe the fact that governmetn doesn't have a major rolei nthe city is a good thing. I think the green movement can be helped more by private businesses because they will save money by making the changes themselves now instead of waiting for the government to do something about it.

Jupiter said...

Vegetable oil powered cars? is that what I read? I think the whole gas thing is too much, esp since a pass for a month on the RoadRUNNER is only $7.50. :-) i have no worries or experience in the tires/gas/insurance dept. Very interesting. vegetable oil powered cars.