Sunday, December 2, 2007

In las vegas this week city officials implemented an initiative called Meth 360 which focuses on educating the community on the methamphetamine epidemic going on in the city. Crystal meth has surpassed cocaine and heroine in number of documented abusers and addicts in the city. This is only a glimpse of a greater epidemic going on in our country. Meth is taking over it is replacing other more "traditional drugs" in user circles because it is cheap, easily made by people in almost every major city so many obstacles such as transporting it and distributing it through major networks is alleviated. At the same time it is highly toxic, it is basically poison, and it is highly addictive but i guess it speaks to The greater laziness in society where we even take short cuts when it comes to our drugs, people take the more dangerous, dirty drug, because it is readily availible and cheap.

In other news a panel of nevada lawmakers voted unanimously tuesday for two compromise proposals that would restrict government agencies' use of eminent domain proceedings to acquire property. supporters of the compromise told the senate judiciary committee that assembly joint resolution 3 and assembly bill 102 would provide strong protections against government abuses of eminent domain powers while still providing the option for large public works, such as transportation projects. So in other words a persons valuable property will be protected. Unless the city needs to build a road, or a public building, which leaves them the perfect loop hole. So they may be protected from private industry for now, unless private industry and public policy become somehow tangled. (but that could never happen? right?).

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